I humbly salute thee, O thee faithful, Heavenly Friends of my children!
I give thee heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness thou hast shown them.
At some future day I shall, with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to thy guidance and protection.
Continue to watch over them, I beseech thee and provide for all their needs of body and soul.
Pray, likewise, for me, for my husband, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in thy blessed company.
My son desperately needs his Guardian Angel right now. He did something very bad, and living in a small town, its making a Mark and it’s only the beginning. He was under the influence of drugs when this happens, not sure if a black out it what happened, but we all need our lord to help us through this horrible situation. We’ve never been likrd in this town for many years and now this. My son has cancer and I have a very strong feeling he might continue or try to self destruct. Please please Lord, help my son, help us all from the ugly situation, help us to kniw how to handle this
Please watch over my four baby’s keep them safe from harm help them to come back to me give them peace and love x
Dear Guardian Angel, please protect and guide my kids, me and my family always. Thank you. AMEN
Dear Guardian Angel, please protect and guide my kids, me and my family always. Thank you.IN JESUS NAME. AMEN
Dear Guardian Angel, please protect and guide my kids, me and my family always. Thank you. IN JESUS NAME. AMEN