I shall call upon you, Mother of God, and you will hear me; your praises will gladden my heart.
I have called to you in trouble, and you have heard me at your throne in heaven.
Take up my cause, Mother, for I have departed from my innocence; but because I have hoped in you, I shall not lose my soul.
To you, Mother, have I pleaded after having wandered from God, and I was saved by the power of your intercession.
In you, Mother, I place all my hope, because of your most loving compassion.
Into your hands I entrust my souls and body, my whole life and the hour of my death.
Intercede for us, Mother of God and Mediatrix, who have brought salvation to mankind.
Virgin Mary: Powerful Prayers And Novenas To The Blessed Mother
My lovely Mother take over my life and my family mom don’t leave me and my family don’t let the enemies enjoy over me and my family pray for me and my family thank you so wonderful Mother
Thankyou blessed Mother and your Mother St.Anne for everthing you have done for me
Oh my mother in heaven, please help my husband. Please Blessed Mary my mother please ask your Devine son my savior Jesus, place your living hands on him and cure him ofve this horrible diease.
Thank you Holy Mother Mary
Please St Anne pray for my daughter Maya