Prayer for the Sick (through the intercession of St. Peregrine)
Graciously hear the prayers which we offer to you O God. We present our petitions through St. Peregrine your beloved servant and patron of those suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other…
Graciously hear the prayers which we offer to you O God. We present our petitions through St. Peregrine your beloved servant and patron of those suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other…
Great and glorious patriarch, St Joachim, and good St Anne, what joy is mine when I consider that you were chosen among all God’s holy ones to assist in the…
O Gentle Jesus, Saint James was one of Your first apostles, but he started out as an impulsive, self-centered man. He dared to ask You for a place of honor…
St. Mary Magdalene is the patron of women, repentant sinners, penitent women, reformed prostitutes, contemplatives, converts, pharmacists, perfumers, hairstylists, and against sexual temptation. Her feast day is July 22nd. St. Mary…
Down all the highways that you travel, Blacktop, Stone and even Gravel. On every journey through and through May God’s Angels ride with you. Amen.
Below is a Powerful Prayer To St. Anne To Obtain a Special Favor O Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those…
I shall call upon you, Mother of God, and you will hear me; your praises will gladden my heart. I have called to you in trouble, and you have heard…
Behold me, O my God, at thy feet! I do not deserve mercy, but O, my Redeemer, the blood which Thou hast shed for me encourages me and obliges me…
Saint Gerard Majella is the Patron & Protector of Expectant Mothers. The Feast of Saint Gerard is celebrated on October 16. Here is a prayer to St. Gerard which can…
Patron Saint of Environmentalists and Orphans, Feast day July 14 God of all creation, goodness and love, our hearts are filled with gratitude and praise for you. In our beloved…