Prayer to Mary for a Good Mind
O Mary, my Mother, I offer you my soul, my mind, and my heart.
O Mary, my Mother, I offer you my soul, my mind, and my heart.
St. Matilda of Saxony – Known for her generosity, she is a patron saint for parents with “disappointing children” since her own sons persecuted her. Feast day 14 March
Dear Father, I have suffered at the hand of others. I know things have conditioned me, and hurt me. But it’s not all about my situation, or my past. I’ve…
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fountain of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy,…
Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me. I thank you for sending your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to the world to save and to set me free.
O Lord, my God, do not depart far from me. Please look upon me and help me.
My dear and sweet Mother Mary, Co-redemptrix of the human race, keep me in Your holy protection. Guard my mind, my heart and my senses, that I be not stained…
This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. I thank You for my being…
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, glory of the Christian people, joy of the universal Church, salvation of the world; pray for us,
Beloved Mother, I come to you with prayers for healing of mind, body and spirit. I ask you to hear my special concern (state petition) and to place my needs before…