Glory to you, God our Creator…
Breathe into us new life, new meaning.
Glory to you, God our Savior…
Lead us into the way of peace and justice.
Glory to you, healing Spirit…
Transform us to empower others.
Mary, wellspring of peace…
Be our guide.
Model of strength…
Be our guide.
Model of gentleness…
Be our guide.
Model of trust…
Be our guide.
Model of patience…
Be our guide.
Model of courage…
Be our guide.
Model of risk…
Be our guide.
Model of openness…
Be our guide.
Model of perseverance…
Be our guide.
Oppressed woman…
Lead us to life.
Liberator of the oppressed…
Lead us to life.
Marginalized woman…
Lead us to life.
Comforter of the afflicted…
Lead us to life.
Cause of our joy…
Lead us to life.
Sign of contradiction…
Lead us to life.
Breaker of bondage…
Lead us to life.
Political refugee…
Lead us to life.
Mother of the liberator…
Pray for us.
Mother of the homeless…
Pray for us.
Mother of the dying…
Pray for us.
Mother of the nonviolent…
Pray for us.
Widowed mother…
Pray for us.
Unwed mother…
Pray for us.
Mother of a political prisoner…
Pray for us.
Mother of the condemned…
Pray for us.
Mother of the executed criminal…
Pray for us.
Woman of mercy…
Empower us.
Woman of faith…
Empower us.
Woman of contemplation…
Empower us.
Woman of vision…
Empower us.
Woman of wisdom and understanding…
Empower us.
Woman of grace and truth…
Empower us.
Woman, pregnant with hope…
Empower us.
Woman, centered in God…
Empower us.
Seeker of sanctuary…
Empower us.
First disciple…
Empower us.
Sharer in Christ’s ministry…
Empower us.
Participant in Christ’s passion…
Empower us.
Seeker of God’s will…
Empower us.
Witness of Christ’s resurrection…
Empower us.
Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you. Shelter us from war, hatred and oppression. Teach us to live in peace, to educate ourselves for peace. Inspire us to act justly, to reverence all God has made. Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen.
Virgin Mary: Powerful Prayers And Novenas To The Blessed Mother
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