Bless me, heavenly Father,
forgive my erring ways.
Grant me strength to serve Thee,
put purpose in my days.
Give me understanding,
enough to make me kind.
So I may judge all people
with my heart, not my mind.
Teach me to be patient
in everything I do,
Content to trust Your wisdom
and to follow after You.
Help me when I falter
and hear me when I pray,
And receive me in Thy kingdom
to dwell with Thee someday.
Morning Prayers: Powerful Prayers To Start Your Day
Amen help me with life
Help me Jesus to feel fully mentally and physically well amen
Help me Jesus to trust you more in my life and my family, help me to understand you Jesus pour the holy spirit upon me everywhere I go protect me guide me save me speak for me please Lord forgive all my sin thank you and advanced in Jesus name AMEN
Amen ?
Oh Lord Our God unto thy hand I offer you all my loved ones,Amen.
loving heavenly father,
Please bless everyone in this website.
My Dear Loving Lord Jesus, Our God,
Please hear my prayers and please consider answering them. I know I’m far better off than many but I’m struggling.
You know what is in my heart.
I love you endlessly.