Take away, O my Jesus, the blindness of my heart, that I may know Thee; take away the hardness of my heart, that I may fear Thee;
take away the coldness of my heart, that I may resist everything that is contrary to Thy will;
take away its heavy, earthly sluggishness and selfishness, that I may be capable of heroic sacrifice for Thy glory, and for the souls whom Thou has redeemed with Thy own most precious blood.
Lord have mercy on us Jesus heal my father a law please do a miracle in his life please in Jesus name amen
Lord I need your miracle in my life please help me. Thank you Lord. Amen?
Scared heart of Jesus grant me a Michale by help and strengthen me physically and mentally and restore me to good health from this illness. I place all my trust in you
Meant Miracle
Oh my God have mercy on my friends and family guide,protect,and keep all evil from us ..i ask you please to guide my family through a house move that it may go as planned and without complications in you i trust and i thank you for many blessings amen ..oh my God i believe in thee,ihope in thee,i trust in thee ,i am sorry for having in my life offended ther .i love you and i thankyou amen
Lord have mercy on me a sinners and help me with my problems. Amen
Sacred Heart of JESUS, please hear my prayers. Thank you. AMEN
Lord Jesus be near us! Let the warmth of the SHJ melt into our hearts to remove the blind eyes, the hard heartedness, & our cold-hearted Ways.
May we sooner than later recognize we are resisting & fighting God’s Holy Will.
We are using stubbornness & obstinateness to be selfish & to get what we want-not what God wants.
Make sacrifices unto His Glory!
Sin not against the Holy Spirit residing in each of us. We are to be Holy just as He is Holy.
We must keep satan away from us by not sinning in carnal desires.
No more worries, no more grief that God be Glorified in saving & assisting souls to see that Christ died for them too!
Cover us with your Precious Blood dearest Jesus! We love you so.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and protect us.
Please cure the severe illness of my sister.Amen.
Sacred Heart of JESUS, please hear my prayers. Thank you. AMEN