Lord Jesus,
you took pity on the blind Bartimaeus
and healed him;
you raised Lazarus from the dead
and freed Mary Magdalen from seven
devils to count her among your disciples.
You made the blind see, the deaf hear,
the dumb speak, the lame walk,
you cleansed lepers and cast out demons.
You preached the Good News to the poor
and bless those who are faithful to you.
Through the intercession of your
faithful martyr, Genesius,
grant your healing and consolation to the sick.
Give them the strength to carry their Cross
in union with you.
(We remember in particular _________.)
Help us to remain faithful to you in health
and in suffering, conformed to your Cross;
open our hearts to your will
so your grace may transform our lives.
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Dear St Genesius, I don’t know whether or not you have seen anything of my life from your place in Heaven, but I did, always, want to become an actor, throughout my school life – I never really seriously considered any other option. So much so, that I went to Flinders University Drama Centre, in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1978, immediately following my matriculation year, at the age of seventeen. I now realise I was too young – most of my fellow students where in their mid to late twenties or older – and I was more impressionable than I realised. I had stopped practicing the Faith in any way immediately after leaving home. I had already developed the habit of smoking marijuana, which I continued with great enthusiasm, and I lived with a woman in an unmarried sexual relationship – in fact, during those years, I had sexual relations with many women, and drank and took drugs. I “dropped out” of university, without completing the course, in mid-1979, and did one or two amateur dramatics, before I went travelling around Australia. I was on unemployment benefits and never seriously looked for work. After a visit to my parents in 1983, I, very gently, came back to the practice of the Faith, and, almost immediately, became a daily communicant. I arrived in Sydney, NSW, that year and met a nun, Sr. Pauline Fitz-Walter SGS, at that time already 63, and she introduced me to living in community, in the service of the poor, and also, greatly, to the active Catholic “scene” in Sydney, including daily Mass at one of three city churches, something I practice to this day, and, bless God, to committed life in the Church, in general. One thing she did do, which, any many ways I still dispute, was cause me to become involved with psychiatric services. It was through her agency that I was diagnosed schizophrenic and began a long and tedious involvement with hospitals, psychiatrists and “medication” which is enforced on me to this day. I currently live in supported accommodation for the mentally ill, or rather, the “psychiatrically disabled”. I reside in a house under the auspices of an organisation known as the Independent Community Living Association, (ICLA), presently in Bondi Beach, but I am being required to move elsewhere, soon, something I am not at all happy about. Unfortunately, I am also under a couple of “court orders”, which severely curtail my freedom, and am on a “good behaviour” bond, both requiring me to obey the dictates of the organisation. My family took my acting ambitions very seriously but were also very pleased upon my “re-conversion”. I am the second eldest of seven children, the eldest being deceased (a premature birth). My father, Daniel, 82, is also a daily communicant, but my mother, Angela, 78, hasn’t been to church, or even prayed, since 1984. Only one brother, Adam, 55, still goes to church. With my friend, David Christopher Paul Marsh, 63, I have, since 1996, operated a small “community” of my own, which we call “Mercy House”. We were once in a position to offer meals and hospitality, but are now mainly a work of prayer, and the support and encouragement of other small “communities” in and around the inner-city of Sydney, as best we are able, (David is also a disability support pensioner). Please, dear St Genesius, pray for me, and obtain for me, the healing of my diabetes, of my schizophrenia and of my brain injury, particularly of my damaged memory; the continuation of, and God’s Blessing upon, the apostolate and ministry of “Mercy House”; the return to the practice of the Faith of my mother, Angela, 78, mother of seven, a great-grandmother, and of my dear friend Avril Mary Juliana Fennell, 51, single, a psychiatric nurse; a salutary and satisfactory resolution to my legal problems and my housing requirements; the graces of long lives and happy deaths for myself, for my father, Daniel, and for my brother, Adam; an enjoyable, salutary and satisfying participation in the life of the Universal Catholic Church from the point-of-view of being an Australian; a close and loving discipleship relationship with the Lord Jesus and an inspiring relationship with His Mother, Mary (with, in and through the agency of my patron, St Joseph); all the necessary graces required to remain an active, healthy daily communicant till the day of my death; a continuing, abiding, critical interest in all aspects of the acting profession, theatre, film and TV and in world history and current events. Thank-you St Genesius, and bless you, my friend.