Patron Saint of: Catholic youth, Girls, Teenagers, & The youth in general.
Oh Saint Maria Goretti who, strengthened by God’s grace,
did not hesitate even at the age of twelve
to shed your blood and sacrifice life itself
to defend your virginal purity,
look graciously on the unhappy human race
which has strayed far from the path of eternal salvation.
Teach us all, and especially youth,
with what courage and promptitude
we should flee for the love of Jesus
anything that could offend Him
or stain our souls with sin.
Obtain for us from our Lord victory in temptation,
comfort in the sorrows of life,
and the grace which we earnestly beg of thee
(mention your intention),
and may we one day enjoy with thee
the imperishable glory of Heaven.
Say…1 Our Father… 1 Hail Mary… & 1 Glory Be…
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
(Pray The Rosary Apostolate)
Pray for me St Maria Goretti thanku x
Pray for me saint maria gorretii and all others in this world affected by such atrocities