Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary To Obtain the Forgiveness of Our Sins
Behold, O Mother of God, at thy feet a miserable sinner, a slave of hell, who has recourse to thee and trusts in thee. I do not deserve that thou…
Behold, O Mother of God, at thy feet a miserable sinner, a slave of hell, who has recourse to thee and trusts in thee. I do not deserve that thou…
O Virgin immaculate, thou who by a singular privilege of grace wast preserved from original sin, look in pity upon our separated brethren, who are nevertheless thy children, and call…
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, glory of the Christian people, joy of the universal Church, salvation of the world; pray for us,
In Honour of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By devoutly reciting this prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for thirty days, we may mercifully hope to obtain…
O Blessed Virgin, dear mistress of mine, I salute thee, and revere thee with all my heart. Mother of Mercy, pray for me. Queen of Heaven, I commend my soul…
O pure and immaculate and likewise blessed Virgin, who art the sinless Mother of thy Son, the mighty Lord of the universe, thou who art inviolate and altogether holy, the…
O holy Virgin, Mother of God, help those who implore your assistance. Turn toward us. Have you perhaps forgotten us because you have been elevated to a position close to…
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on…
O Holy Mary, my Queen and Mother, I consecrate myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart today. With all my thoughts, words, actions, and desires, I offer everything to you, that…
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy and hope, I come before you in my time of great need. You who are so compassionate and loving, intercede for me before…