O Mary, temple of the Trinity. O Mary, bearer of fire. O Mary, dispenser of mercy. O Mary, restorer of human generation,
O Mary, temple of the Trinity. O Mary, bearer of fire. O Mary, dispenser of mercy. O Mary, restorer of human generation,
Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland, you gave hope to our people in a time of distress and comforted them in sorrow. You have inspired countless pilgrims to pray with confidence…
In the year 1350, in front of a crucifix inside the Church of St. Paul in Rome, Jesus, in answer to the request of St. Bridget of Sweden, taught her…
Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we unite ourselves to you under your title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
I shall call upon you, Mother of God, and you will hear me; your praises will gladden my heart. I have called to you in trouble, and you have heard…
First Day: O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist…
(For the Protection of Us and the Church) Dear Mother of God and purest virgin, do offer to the Heavenly Father the Precious Blood and merits of Jesus Christ for…
Lord Jesus Christ, in union with that divine intention wherewith on earth Thou didst offer to God Thy praises through Thy Most Sacred Heart, and dost now offer them in…
1. It gradually gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2. It purifies our souls, washing away sin. 3. It gives us victory over all our enemies.
Below is a Powerful Novena to Our Lady of Fatima Say this Prayer every day for 9 consecutive days.