Prayer to Ask For A Miracle (The Miracle Prayer to St Padre Pio)
Prayer to ask for the blessing of a miracle through Padre Pio’s Intercession Padre Pio, the Almighty Lord has made you a living witness of Christ crucified, and has marked…
Prayer to ask for the blessing of a miracle through Padre Pio’s Intercession Padre Pio, the Almighty Lord has made you a living witness of Christ crucified, and has marked…
Pray this Powerful Prayer for Difficult Times to Padre Pio Padre Pio, the Lord has given you the gift to carry out extraordinary works, I ask You in prayer to…
Lord Jesus Christ With faith in Your love and mercy I eat Your body and drink your blood. Let it not bring me condemnation but health of mind and body.
Father, let this suffering pass from me; yet not my will but yours be done. May you be blessed forever. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Dear God, please bless our family with your love, and protect us from harms. Give us grace to forgive each other, strength to overcome the difficulties we face, and keep…
St. Gerard, you lived your life among people who asked for your prayers and blessings in the many concerns of their lives. In your kindness you presented their needs to…
O Most Holy Our Father: Creator, Redeemer, Consoler and Our Savior. Who art in Heaven: in the Angels and in the Saints; enlightening them unto knowledge, because Thou, Lord, art…
Dear St. Anthony, comforting the sorrowful is a Christian duty and a work of mercy.
St. Anthony, dear friend and heavenly guide, be present to me now, and let me know your compassion. Pray to our dear Lord for me, that I may experience calmness…
The Five Prayers Revealed at Fatima THE PARDON PRAYER My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do…