A Prayer for Priests
O Jesus, Eternal Priest, keep Thy priests within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, where none may touch them. Keep unstained their anointed hands, which daily touch Thy Sacred Body.
O Jesus, Eternal Priest, keep Thy priests within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, where none may touch them. Keep unstained their anointed hands, which daily touch Thy Sacred Body.
Mother of God, we hail thy Heart, Throughed in the azure skies; While far and wide within its charm The whole creation lies.
O GOD, who by the Passion of Thine only-begotten Son, and by the shedding of His precious Blood through His five Wounds, didst restore human nature when it was lost…
In the name of Jesus, I take authority and I bind all the powers and forces in the air, in the ground, in the water, in the underground, in the…
And platting a crown of thorns, they put it up on His head. They began to spit upon Him, and they gave Him blows. Others smote His face and said:…
By this holy water and by Your Precious Blood, wash away all my sins, O Lord. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, I place myself at the foot of Your Cross and ask Your Precious Blood which pours forth from Your Most Sacred Heart and Your Most Holy Wounds.
O Jesus, Who by reason of Thy burning love for us hast willed to be crucified and to shed Thy Most Precious Blood for the redemption and salvation of our…
How to pray the Chaplet of the Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity chaplet is normally recited on the regular Rosary. It should be offered through the Five Sacred…
Most holy and adorable Trinity, one God in three Persons, I believe that you are here present; I adore you with the deepest humility, and render to you, with my…