Prayer to Saint Barnabas
Feast Day 11 June, Patron of Cyprus, Antioch, against hailstorms, invoked as peacemaker O God, who decreed that Saint Barnabas, a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit, should…
Feast Day 11 June, Patron of Cyprus, Antioch, against hailstorms, invoked as peacemaker O God, who decreed that Saint Barnabas, a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit, should…
(Pray novena for 9 consecutive days) Opening prayer: Eternal Father, you gave us Saint Joan of Arc through your infinite love and mercy for us. We humbly ask that you…
(PATRON SAINT OF DESPERATE CAUSES; FORGOTTEN CAUSES; IMPOSSIBLE CAUSES) O faithful virgin and glorious martyr, St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor and sorrowing, have…
PATRON OF UNPAID WORKERS/HOUSEWIVES/CLEANERS Feast Day: 27 April O glorious St Zita, who did labour as a maid all your life, being cherished and trusted by the family you worked…
Feast Day: 25 April O glorious St Mark, through the grace of God our Father, you became a great Evangelist, preaching the Good News of Christ. Obtain for me I…
Feast Day: 25 APR Patron: Against impenitence; attorneys; barristers; captives; Egypt; glaziers; imprisoned people; insect bites; lions; notaries; prisoners; scrofulous diseases; stained glass workers; struma; Diocese of Venice, Florida; Venice,…
How to pray the Chaplet of Saint Anne The chaplet to St. Anne promises a great number of spiritual and temporal favors. The Chaplet of good Saint Anne consist of…
Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your Fragrance everywhere I go. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Yours.
Dear Saint Anthony, yet again I greet you and thank you. Throughout your life you always tried to be a peacemaker.
(Patron Saint for Lungs) Saint Bernardine of Siena, words were very important to you. You spent most of your life speaking the golden words of Jesus’ mercy and his Holy…