Prayer to St. Denis (Patron Saint of Headache Sufferers)
Here’s a short prayer to St. Denis to enlist his help against whatever type of headache you are battling. O God, Who conferred Your saving Faith on the people of…
Here’s a short prayer to St. Denis to enlist his help against whatever type of headache you are battling. O God, Who conferred Your saving Faith on the people of…
O St. Therese of the Child Jesus, You found the way to confidence and love, May we receive from your powerful intercession the grace to follow this way with absolute…
Feast Day 3 February (Patron Saint of: Illnesses of the throat and other illnesses, wool workers, animals, bricklayers, bakers, and farm workers)
St. Gerard, you lived your life among people who asked for your prayers and blessings in the many concerns of their lives. In your kindness you presented their needs to…
Dear St. Anthony, because you experienced disappointments and sickness in your brief life here, I salute you the more respectfully. Your own life assures me that you understand my need.…
O Most Holy Our Father: Creator, Redeemer, Consoler and Our Savior. Who art in Heaven: in the Angels and in the Saints; enlightening them unto knowledge, because Thou, Lord, art…
Most lovable and popular Saint, son of a go-getting and wealthy merchant of Assisi, you discarded earthly possessions for the Saviour you loved so dearly and you won innumerable persons…
Dear Saint Anthony, greetings! I count you as a special friend. Now that I have personal experience of your help, I can thank you best by imitating you for, as…
O most holy angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian, I give you thanks for all the benefits which you have ever bestowed on me in body…
Dear Little Flower, Make all things lead me to heaven and God. Whether I look at the sun, the moon, the stars and the vast expanse in which they float, or whether…