Lord, I come to you for help.
Life is full of trials and turmoil.
Sometimes it gets the best of even the strongest of your people.
You, Lord, are the one to turn to.
I am in need of your guidance through this time.
Lord, show me the way to obtain strength
to combat the trials of life.
I know your love is infinite.
Because of your infinite love,
peace can be obtained.
With strength and peace I can face turmoil.
With all that life has to offer,
Allow me to see your will in all that I do.
Help me with your peace to help others.
Help me to see the good in everything around me.
Help me to find and keep the peace
that can be obtained from your love.
With Jesus, I know I will gain strength.
His life had trials and turmoil.
Help me to learn from his sufferings.
Thank you for sending Jesus
to show us that unconditional love is possible.
With Jesus as our guide,
our greatest goals can be achieved.
Morning Prayers: Powerful Prayers To Start Your Day
Help me with my work and all works out good
Dear Our Father Jesus Christ Our Lord, please gives us back our peace and strength. Please forgive us each one us for our sins, for what might of we have committed. I am truly sorry and I repent for hurting you again Our Father Jesus Christ Our Lord. Please help my family this this situation we’re going through. I great FAITH in you Our Father Jesus Christ Our Lord, you live in me and I live in you. Our Father Jesus Christ Thank You so much.????????????