Why do some people find success despite hardships and others sink into a pit of despair?
Gathering Courage: A Life-Changing Journey through Adoption, Adversity, and a Reading Disability by T.A. “Terry” McMullin is the author’s incredible, award-winning memoir meant to inspire hope and encouragement to those who are going through tough times.
Terry dusted off the hurt from abandonment, rejection by her adoptive parents, struggles with a reading disability, shock from foster home placement, and a life-altering accident. Her faith and tenacity along with the internal desire to overcome is thought provoking as Terry worked her way through college, Texas A&M University. Terry’s life transformed from a broken-hearted child who could barely make out words in elementary school to a distinguished educator and writer who encourages young people to work hard and to achieve their greatest aspirations.
Terry proves that we are not defined by our hurts and wounds but it is what we become after the scars heal that counts.
Any reader who loves a true story with a Christian focus should definitely read this book.
Words from the Readers:
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“If you are looking for an encouraging book, look no further because this one is it!
Yours is one of the most inspiring books I’ve ever read.”
“People like her give me hope that there is something for all of us in this world.
It is truly amazing how she is a teacher right now and changing the lives of people…
people like her who make changes in this world and help others.”
” An American story filled with adversity, triumphs, heartbreaks and great personal victory.T.A. McMullin will transport your mind through the epic words of
a female pioneer who never gives up no matter the challenges she faced!”
Charmaine Carraway – The Visionary Woman
Order through:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or a signed copy directly from the author at gatheringcouragemedia.com