Holy Spirit, God of love, be present to me, accept the offering of myself which I make to you, receive my hands, feet, eyes, tongue, and all my senses.
Receive my memory, my will, my understanding, my desires, my sights, the longings, and the aspirations of my soul.
Receive my every hour, my every moment and all the happenings of my life.
Holy Spirit, God of love, knit my soul to you.
Let your love possess my whole being, my senses, my powers, my affections, my very life.
Let your love rule my labour and my rest, my going and my staying and move me as it please you.
Let your love disquiet or comfort me, humble or exalt me, and burn away all my faults.
Holy Spirit, God of love, draw me to yourself, do with me what you will.
Nothing will cause me fear if only your love enfolds me.
I ask confidently because your desire to give is greater than mine to receive.
Transform me into yourself, so that I may no longer know myself, nor find myself except in you.
My son James Anthony Bourg is missing in Bakersfield CA. We are doing all we can think of talking to many people over there but still no James. I would love for you to Pray for James.I pray all the time and I pray hard. I know in my heart that you Pray better than me.i want my son to be found safe and alive been missing sense March 24. Amen and Thank You Mona Guidry.
I say this prayer for my son James Anthony Bourg. Still missing in CA. In My Lord Jesus Christ Amen